Tag Archives: baby

What to Expect When You Visit Your Baby Dentist in Carlsbad
Visiting a baby dentist in Carlsbad is a great way to get your little one well-cared for. Pediatric dentistry is an area of medicine that deals with children. It’s important to understand your child’s dental health so that you can help them grow up with healthy teeth and gums. Here’s what you can expect when … Continue reading What to Expect When You Visit Your Baby Dentist in Carlsbad

Carlsbad Baby Dentist – Why Does a Child Need One?
A Carlsbad baby dentist is a child-focused general dentist who is specially trained in the care of children’s teeth and gums. Because a baby’s mouth is very sensitive, it is important to find a Carlsbad baby dentist who is gentle with the child but has the necessary skill to perform the required tasks. A child-focused … Continue reading Carlsbad Baby Dentist – Why Does a Child Need One?

A Carlsbad Baby Dentist Can Help Your Child
As a parent, you probably already know just how important it is to take your infant to the child-focused general dentist. But what you might not realize is also important to go to a child focused dental clinic with your baby. A baby’s teeth tend to not come in until around eight to ten months. … Continue reading A Carlsbad Baby Dentist Can Help Your Child

Carlsbad Baby Dentist – Why Is It Important?
The Carlsbad baby dentist is the professional who will be working on your baby’s teeth for about six months. This is a long time for any parent to spend at the dentist. This is usually a part of their preparation for bigger things coming, like braces and even dental implants later on in life. Some … Continue reading Carlsbad Baby Dentist – Why Is It Important?

When Should Your Child Visit the Baby Dentist in Carlsbad?
The first visit to the baby dentist in Carlsbad is usually short and sweet. The dentist will examine the gums, teeth, and pacifier use. He will ask parents questions about feeding and nursing habits, as well as check for bottle decay. He will then record the information he learns and schedule another appointment every six … Continue reading When Should Your Child Visit the Baby Dentist in Carlsbad?

Ten Tips About Baby Teeth From The Tooth Fairy
By Brian J. Gray, DDS, MAGD, FICO I love teeth! They’re so shiny, white, and bright! They’re so pretty and sparkly. That’s why I collect them. But I don’t want them until you don’t need them anymore, so I wait for the perfect time. It usually begins when you’re about five years old or … Continue reading Ten Tips About Baby Teeth From The Tooth Fairy