Tag Archives: dental

Carlsbad child focuseddental care

Types of Sedation For Child Dental Procedures

Types of Sedation and Anesthesia Used on Children—Know Your Options: Nitrous oxide: This is a mild sedative and the least invasive. It’s commonly known as ‘giggle gas’ or ‘laughing gas.’ Children breathe this with a little oxygen. They don’t usually go to sleep, but most will get more relaxed. Most will get a little silly and … Continue reading Types of Sedation For Child Dental Procedures

Carlsbad Pediatric Dentist - Dr Marta Penman

Preparing For Your First Dental Visit

The best preparation for your child’s first dental visit to our office in Carlsbad is maintaining a positive attitude. Children pick up on adults’ apprehensions and if you make negative comments about trips to the dentist, you can be sure that your child will fear an unpleasant experience and act accordingly. Show your child pictures … Continue reading Preparing For Your First Dental Visit

Carlsbad Pediatric Dentist - Dr Marta Penman

Why Should My Child See A Carlsbad Child Focused Dentist?

Almost every day, I get asked the same question: “Why does my child need to see a child-focused dentist instead of visiting a regular dentist?” As a working mom of three kids, I can appreciate the special concerns and worries that all parents share about their children’s health. When seeking care for my own children, … Continue reading Why Should My Child See A Carlsbad Child Focused Dentist?